This Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding your privacy and explains how Global Academic Degree collects, utilizes, processes, and shares personal information. If you have inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or wish to exercise any of your privacy rights, you can utilize our online Privacy Form, or you can reach out to Customer Care at

What This Privacy Policy Encompasses ?

This Privacy Policy delineates how Global Academic Degree utilizes personal information concerning the services provided by us, including our student admission portal, as well as our website usage, and apps unless stated otherwise below.

Activities not included in this Privacy Policy are:

Personal information utilized with our Identity Protection and Business Data Protection services. These services are governed by the Experian Privacy Policy, as indicated upon service activation.

Personal information that may be gathered or utilized by other entities when interacting with third-party links on our website or utilizing social media widgets we provide. You can refer to the privacy policy of third-party websites and services for details regarding their privacy practices.

Personal information collected and utilized in connection with our employment-related activities, including those pertaining to job applicants.

Privacy Commitment at Global Academic Degree ?

At Global Academic Degree, we prioritize your privacy and understand the importance of addressing any concerns you may have about how we handle your personal information. In addition to this Privacy Policy, we have implemented internal policies and practices aimed at ensuring the security of your personal data and guaranteeing that your information is utilized in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We adhere to Privacy-by-Design principles and maintain dedicated privacy and security teams committed to safeguarding your personal information and ensuring its proper handling.

Types of Personal Information We Collect ?

In this section, we detail the various types of personal information we may collect from you. The specific information collected depends on the nature of your interaction with us and the products or services you engage with.

Global Academic Degree may collect the following categories of personal information:

Identifiers: This may include your real name, nicknames, signatures, postal addresses, online identifiers, IP addresses, email addresses, and account numbers.

Sensitive Information: Examples of sensitive information collected may include social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, state identification card numbers, passport numbers, and usernames and passwords associated with your Global Academic Degree account.

Biometric Information: With your consent, we may collaborate with Stripe to utilize technology for identity verification by comparing a digital image of your face to the picture on the government identification you provide.

Characteristics Protected Under Certain Laws: This category may include age, national origin, citizenship status, marital status, medical information, gender, and veteran or military status. We do not analyze this information for health, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation purposes.

Commercial Information: This may encompass records of business and property ownership, products or services purchased from Global Academic Degree or our partners, and other purchasing or consumption patterns.

Internet Information: This could involve browsing history, search history, device information, and data regarding your interactions with our website, applications, or advertisements. Geolocation Information: We may collect information about your location.

Audio and Visual Information: We may record telephone calls and, with your consent, videotape or photograph you for legal requirements, security purposes, or when necessary for providing certain services. Professional and Employment-Related Information: This may include information about your professional status, affiliations, employment history, salary, and employment status.

Other Types of Information: This category encompasses additional information provided directly by you, such as questionnaire responses, uploaded documents, survey responses, or financial consultation details. It also includes information classified as personal information under California Civil Code Section 1798.80(e) that is not covered in the aforementioned categories.

Where Global Academic Degree Collects Personal Information ?

In this section of our Privacy Policy, we outline the locations and methods through which we collect personal information.

Customers: The majority of the personal information collected by Global Academic Degree is obtained directly or indirectly from our customers and potential customers. Information obtained directly from you includes data provided when filling out online forms, uploading documents, engaging in chat features, or communicating with us over the phone. Additionally, we may gather information indirectly about you through interactions with our website, utilizing cookies, and other tracking technologies.

Service Providers: We may gather information about you from our service providers or other companies we collaborate with to provide our products and services. Service Providers, as defined in this Privacy Policy, are entities contracted by Global Academic Degree to offer services that support our business operations. An example of information we may receive from a Service Provider includes whether any Legal Mail has been received as part of our Registered Agent services. Service Providers may also aid in directly and indirectly collecting information from you.

Affiliates and Subsidiaries: Information about you may be received from our affiliates and subsidiaries. For instance, if we acquire an ownership stake in a company, we may obtain information about you if you have previously engaged in business with them.

Publicly/Commercially Available Information: We may gather information about you from publicly accessible sources, such as government records, social media platforms, and other commercially accessible sources of personal data. Examples of such information include your entity's standing with a Secretary of State or recent indications of interest in purchasing a product offered by Global Academic Degree. Unrelated Parties: We might receive information pertaining to you from individuals and entities with whom Global Academic Degree does not have a direct association. An example of such information could be documents received on your behalf in our capacity as your Registered Agent.

How Global Academic Degree Utilizes Personal Information ?

In this segment of our Privacy Policy, we outline the commercial and business objectives for collecting information. Global Academic Degree utilizes the collected information for the purposes listed below. To achieve these objectives, we employ technology, including automated processing, AI, and human review. Additionally, we may amalgamate information obtained from various sources. Should we decide to utilize the personal information we've gathered for additional purposes not aligned with those described below, we will inform you of our intentions and provide information regarding your legal rights concerning your personal data.

Providing Products and Services: Personal information is utilized to deliver and support our range of products and services. Examples include generating and delivering documents purchased by customers, managing the Global Academic Degree website, and customizing content based on customer preferences.

Security: Personal information is employed to maintain proper security measures over computer networks and physical facilities, as well as to identify and address instances of fraud or suspicious activities.

Marketing and Advertising: Personal information is utilized for marketing purposes directed at both current and prospective customers. More details on controlling the use of personal information for marketing can be found in the sections "Global Academic Degree's Use of Cookies and Similar Technology, and Your Choices" and "Your Options Regarding Personal Information Collected by Global Academic Degree."

Product Development: Personal information is utilized for product development endeavors, encompassing enhancements to existing offerings and the creation of new products and services, including the integration of machine learning or Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies.

Analytics: Personal information is employed for various analytics purposes. For example, we analyze how visitors arrive at and interact with our website, and utilize the insights gained to understand the customer demographics potentially interested in our products and services. Additionally, we may derive inferences regarding customer preferences, characteristics, behaviors, and attitudes from the information collected.

Operational Purposes: Personal information is utilized for operational requirements, as well as those of our service providers, business partners, affiliates, and subsidiaries. This includes maintaining our website and other infrastructure, conducting training, ensuring quality assurance, conducting surveys or sweepstakes, promoting our brand, and managing relationships with service providers and business partners.

Financial Reporting: Personal information is utilized in various financial reporting and internal operational processes. This may include internal budgets and projections, compensation calculations, and public reporting.

Meeting Legal Requirements: Personal information is utilized to fulfill our legal obligations, such as conducting customer due diligence, maintaining records as required in our capacity as a Registered Agent, or responding to subpoenas for information.

How We Share Personal Information ?

In this section of the Privacy Policy, we outline to whom we disclose personal information and the circumstances under which such disclosures may occur. Service Providers: We may share personal information with our service providers who aid us in managing our business operations. These companies are strictly prohibited from using the shared information for any purpose other than providing services to Global Academic Degree or to you.

Businesses Providing Services: Global Academic Degree may disclose personal information to other businesses to furnish you with products and services you have obtained from us. Personal information shared with other businesses will be subject to the privacy practices of those third parties. For instance, we might utilize shipping providers such as FedEx or the United States Postal Service to deliver physical products you have purchased. Similarly, we may engage payment processors like WorldPay, Adyen, or Stripe for processing payments or conducting identity verification services. These companies may

collect and process personal information for their own purposes, including service enhancement and fraud detection and prevention.

Professionals (including attorneys and Tax Experts): We may share personal information with attorneys and Tax Experts whose services are accessible through products like our legal plans and attorney-assisted products.

Business Partners: Global Academic Degree might share personal information with business partners, and such sharing will generally adhere to their respective privacy policies. We share information with business partners under the following circumstances:

  • If you express interest in an offer presented to you either by Global Academic Degree on behalf of a business partner or by a business partner on behalf of Affordable Online Degree, you are directing us to provide information about you to that business partner.
  • If you purchase a product from Global Academic Degree that is bundled with a product offered by one of our business partners, we will share information about you with that business partner.

Parties Related to You: Information about you may be provided to someone you know or have connected with through our platform. For example, we may share information related to your Global Academic Degree account with your authorized contacts.

Government Entities: Global Academic Degree may share customer information with government entities to fulfill products purchased by our customers. Certain personal information may become public record

when documents are filed with federal or state governments or with courts.

Public Disclosures: Global Academic Degree may publicly disclose personal information in limited circumstances:

  • • When necessary to fulfill a purchased product.
  • • Display of testimonials and reviews.
  • • Public posting of content in forums or comment areas.
  • • Sharing publicly available information on our website.

Registered Agent Requests: If you designate a person or company other than Affordable Online Degree to serve as the registered agent for your business entity, we may provide your name and contact information to that party upon request.

Required by Law: Global Academic Degree may disclose personal information as required by law, such as in response to a subpoena or lawful request by a public authority.

Parties Related to Global Academic Degree: Personal information may be disclosed with businesses controlling, controlled by, or under common control with Affordable Online Degree. In the event of a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets or equity, consumer data may be disclosed or transferred in connection with such transactions.

How Long We Keep Your Personal Information ?

At Global Academic Degree, we retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we collected it. This includes providing you with our services, complying with data retention obligations, and ensuring the smooth operation of our business.

Our Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies, and Your Options ?

Similar to other online platforms, Global Academic Degree utilizes various technologies when you interact with our website, mobile application, and emails. These technologies, collectively referred to as "Cookies" in this Privacy Policy, include cookies, web beacons, tags, scripts, and advertising identifiers.

We employ Cookies for different purposes, and you have options regarding their use:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: These Cookies are essential for the operation and security of our website. You cannot opt-out of their use.
  • Performance and Functionality Cookies: These Cookies enhance the functionality of our website and app, personalize your experience, and help us improve our products. Opting out may affect the functionality of our services.
  • Engagement and Marketing Cookies: We use these Cookies to analyze your interaction with our marketing efforts and provide relevant ads on other websites. You can opt-out through our Preference Center or by using the "Your privacy choices" link on our homepage. Additionally, browsers' Global Privacy Control signals are recognized by our websites to suppress the use of these Cookies.

You can also utilize tools provided by organizations like the Networking Advertising Initiative, the Digital Advertising Alliance, and Google Analytics’ Ad Settings to manage the use of such Cookies across the internet, even outside of our website.

Your Options Regarding Personal Information Collected by Global Academic Degree

This section outlines how you can access and manage the information collected by Affordable Online Degree. It applies to all consumers globally, including those who have utilized our services or believe their information has been provided to us by a third party. Depending on your location, you may have additional rights, which are detailed in the sections "Information for U.S. Residents of States with Comprehensive Privacy Laws" or “Information for EU and UK Customers and Visitors.”

Confirmation of Information Possession:

Upon request and verification, Global Academic Degree will inform you whether we hold any information related to you. In some cases, we may correct or delete information at our discretion, unless prohibited by law. To submit a request, please complete the form.

User and Authorized Contact Access to Order Information:

Global Academic Degree provides information about your order to you or any authorized contacts listed on your account. You can manage authorized contacts by signing into your account and navigating to the appropriate section. For product-specific details about who can request order information, contact Customer Care at

User Access to Personal Information:

You can access and update your personal information by visiting your account profile through the "My account" link on our website. From there, you can review and edit your information, complete pending orders, and initiate new ones.

Opting Out:

• Promotional Email: You can unsubscribe from promotional emails using the link provided in the email or by emailing us at Service-related communications cannot be opted out of.

• Marketing Calls: To be added to our internal "Do Not Call" list, inform us during a phone call or email us at

• SMS/Text Messages: Reply STOP to any SMS/text message you receive from us, or contact us via email or phone to opt-out.

We aim to provide you with control over your personal information and ensure transparency in our practices.

Security and Identity Verification Practices at Global Academic Degree ?

At Global Academic Degree, we prioritize the security of the personal information we collect and ensure that our services are delivered in a secure manner. We have implemented various security measures to safeguard the information we maintain, including physical, technical, and administrative safeguards. Our security protocols adhere to industry standards, including the use of SSL/TLS encryption for transmitting payment card information. Additionally, we conduct regular monitoring of our systems to detect and address any potential vulnerabilities or security threats. While we take comprehensive measures to protect your personal information, it is important to note that absolute protection cannot be guaranteed. Factors such as mail delivery services or electronic transmission may pose risks of misdirection, misdelivery, or interception of information.

We advise our users to exercise caution and take steps to protect the information they share with Global Academic Degree. This includes setting strong passwords for their accounts and refraining from sharing passwords with others. Whenever possible, we recommend and may require the use of multi-factor authentication to enhance the security of account access.

Similarly, if you suspect unauthorized access to your personal information or its misuse, please notify us promptly by submitting your concerns through our online Privacy Form. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and ensuring the protection of your personal information.

Information for U.S. Residents of States with Comprehensive Privacy Laws at Affordable Online Degree ?

For U.S. residents residing in states with comprehensive privacy laws, this section outlines your rights and our responsibilities concerning your personal information. Your Rights:

Certain states have enacted privacy laws granting consumers specific rights regarding their personal information. These rights include:

• Requesting detailed information about the personal data collected by Affordable Online Degree.

• Obtaining a copy of your personal information.

• Rectifying inaccuracies in the personal information maintained by Global Academic Degree.

• Requesting the deletion of your personal information.

While these rights are significant, they are not absolute. In certain situations, we may decline your request. For instance, if we cannot verify your identity or if fulfilling your request infringes on the privacy rights of others, we may deny it. Additionally, Affordable Online Degree may refuse your request if it conflicts with our legal obligations or ongoing business relationships. If your request is denied, we will provide an explanation and guidance on how to appeal the decision.

If you opt to exercise your privacy rights, Global Academic Degree will not impose different prices or service quality based on your personal information.

How to Request Access, Correction, or Deletion of Personal Information:

To submit a request concerning your personal information, please complete the form found here. Alternatively, you can email Upon submission, you will need to verify your email address and may be required to provide additional information to confirm your identity. We may ask for details matching the information we have on file. If verification is not feasible, we may request supplementary information, such as proof of residency or government-issued identification.

You also have the option to designate an authorized agent to act on your behalf. To do so, provide written permission or an executed power of attorney, along with valid government-issued identification for both you and the authorized agent.

How to Appeal a Denial of a Request:

If your request is denied, you can appeal the decision by completing the form available here or by emailing After submission, you'll be asked to verify your email address. Once confirmed, your appeal and Global Academic Degree’s response will undergo review. Additional information may be requested during this process. We aim to notify you of the appeal outcome within 60 days.

Selling, Sharing, and Use of Personal Information for Targeted Advertising:

Global Academic Degree does not directly "sell" personal information for monetary gain. However, our routine online interactions with third parties may involve activities that could be construed as "sales" or "sharing" under relevant laws.

DISCLAIMER: The graphically & text based content on the website belongs to Global Academic Degree. and is its intellectual property. All other names, logos & trademarks of other organization belong to their original owners. We don't purposefully entail any kind of endorsement via these trademarks and logos of different organizations.